Book Reviews

Book review: Ghost Cities

Book review

Ghost Cities

By Siang Lu

RRP $32.99

“You may look like a Chinese person, but you cannot speak or read Mandarin.

“You are monolingual!

“The worst thing in this special context.”

With these words a young man, Xiang, is sacked from his job as a translator at Sydney's Chinese Consulate after his employers discovered that he doesn't speak a word of Chinese and has been depending on Google Translate for his work!

Book review. Frank Moorhouse: A Life

Book review.

Frank Moorhouse: A Life

By Catharine Lumby.

Published by Allen and Unwin.

A decade before his death in 2022, Frank Moorhouse asked well known journalist, writer and academic Catharine Lumby to write his biography.

Because of their many years of friendship and her close engagement with his with his writing, he said she “got'' him and his work, in a way few others did.

“Many writers fashion a career out of their writing. Some fashion brilliant careers.

Book Review: The Beige Index

The Whitewash and The Beige Index

By Siang Lu

Published by University of Queensland Press



Emerging Queensland writer Siang Lu has won accolades for his novel The Whitewash by luminaries such as Benjamin Law who described it as “an utter fever-dream of a mockumentary, drawing on truths from life-life racism and film history that it sometimes hurts to laugh at what you're reading because it cuts so close to the bone.

“Audacious, original and a kick to the guts – in the best possible way.”

Book review. Last Shot by Jock Zonfrillo

Book review

Last Shot by Jock Zonfrillo

Published by Simon & Schuster Australia $45

Last Shot by chef and MasterChef judge Jock Zonfrillo is described as a coming-of-age memoir of addiction, ambition and redemption.

Born to an Italian father and Scottish mother in Glasgow, Jock's early life was heavily influenced by both cultures.

“Nonno, Dad's dad was the most Italian man who ever lived,” said Jock.

Nonno wore a suit if he was going down the street to buy a newspaper and was a larger than life character to his adoring grandson.

Book review: Bish bash bosh

Book review

Bish bash bosh

By Henry Firth and Ian Theasby

Published by HQ. RRP$35

Known as the "vegan Jamie Olivers," the authors of Bish Bash Bosh have come up with a stylish book of 140 simple, tasty recipes that will please any vegan or anyone trying plant-based food for the first time.

If you just want to try a meal a week without meat, this book has all the know-how and inspiration you need.

Book reviews

Book reviews

101 Things to do instead of worrying about the World

By Felicity Brightside

Published by Faber

Do you feel like not getting out of bed sometimes?

With political pandemonium, nuclear apocalypse, climate change, dementia, the dangers of sitting down, traffic jams and more, worrying about the world has become a national pastime for some.

Hey, how about thinking positive for a change?

Book review: 101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas By Robin Snow Published by Short Books RRP$12.99 If the thought of Christmas gets you into stress mode, perhaps this little book might help. 101 Things to take the stress out of Chri

Book review

101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas

By Robin Snow

Published by Short Books


If the thought of Christmas gets you into stress mode, perhaps this little book might help.

101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas is full of tips on how to deal with the last minute shopping, slaving over a hot turkey, entertaining the in-laws and more.

Holiday reading

Holiday reading

Whether you are taking a break from preparing for the festive season, relaxing at your holiday house or travelling to some exotic destination, holidays are for reading and here are some books that will fit the bill.

All prices in Australian dollars.

Recipes for a good time by Ben Milgate and Elvis Abrahanowicz.

Murdoch Books. RRP$59.99.

This makes a stunning gift at any time.

Book Review: 50 Shades of Chocolate by Claire Preen

Book review: 50 Shades of Chocolate by Claire Preen

AUTHOR and chocolatier Claire Preen promises 63 of the sexiest chocolate recipes ever in her book 50 Shades of Chocolate.

Besides being luscious, rich and totally delicious, chocolate is well known as one of the most potent aphrodisiacs.

Tasting exquisite chocolates in Europe with her father when she was a child ignited Claire's passion for chocolate.

She trained with a top chocolatier in Belgium and brought her wonderful creations to Australia.


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