Book review: 101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas By Robin Snow Published by Short Books RRP$12.99 If the thought of Christmas gets you into stress mode, perhaps this little book might help. 101 Things to take the stress out of Chri

Book review

101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas

By Robin Snow

Published by Short Books


If the thought of Christmas gets you into stress mode, perhaps this little book might help.

101 Things to take the stress out of Christmas is full of tips on how to deal with the last minute shopping, slaving over a hot turkey, entertaining the in-laws and more.

From number 1: Move Christmas to January this year, to number 73: Take a slice of Christmas cake to a lonely neighbour and join them for a cup of tea, to number 101: Now that your Christmas is feeling a lot less stressful, go online and book yourself a holiday for the Easter weekend, the book is a stress buster, full of fun suggestions and activities.

My suggestion is to leave it in the lounge so your guests can have a look at it and maybe try some of the games in it.

Or buy it as a last-minute stocking filler.


